Development through Acting & Psychology

By combining concepts of communication psychology and personality development with acting and improvisation techniques, I offer sustainable experiences in individual or group coaching.
The intensity of the physical and emotional experience has a reinforcing effect on development at both an individual and group level.
Drama and improvisation offer a welcome change from dry, academic content. Contact skills, group processes and development can be promoted particularly well through haptic experience. All my training courses are therefore based on the teachings of acting teacher Sanford Meisner, , whose technique plays a central role in my identity as a trainer. In recent years, improvisational acting according to Viola Spolin and Keith Johnstone has been added. The theoretical
basis is transactional analysis.. Probably the most important thing, however, is my almost 30 years of experience, first as an actor in various TV formats and later as a leader of countless groups at drama schools and in training sessions. This is where I acquired the ability to motivate people from a wide variety of fields to achieve new results through present leadership.
And now have fun browsing!

Acting Training

Professional artistical development through Meisner technique, comedy acting and improv training.

Corporate Training

Development, consulting and communication for teams and individuals



Professionally puts his finger in the wound, gives concrete feedback and pays attention to even the smallest details. A clear recommendation for anyone who doesn't want to leave their impact to chance.
two arrows pink
Ilja Grzeskowitz
My experience with Hendrik was so positive that I really wanted to have him on board as a TA coach for our Design Thinking program at Hasso-Plattner-Instiut and I can only say that the participants were very inspired.
two arrows pink
Madini Liebscher
Program Lead -HPI Certification Program
Hendrik offers a successful combination of creative on-camera coaching and professional, technical implementation. The collaboration was inspiring and the result exceeded my expectations.
Ulf-Gunnar Switalski
The Bonus Awards



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